How Often Should Rotors Be Turned?

May 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The life of your vehicle is highly dependent on the type of maintenance you provide. Certain parts of your vehicle are considered to be consumable. This means that you will need to replace these parts more often than others. Brakes, brake pads, and rotors are such parts. You can lengthen the life of brakes, though, by having your brake rotors turned occasionally. Let’s take a quick look at how often you should have this important brake repair done on your car.

Why Is Rotor Turning Important?

The brake rotors will accumulate brake material from the brake pads over time. This can eventually cause warping and grinding. Having the rotors turned is a way to clean this material away and hopefully extend the life of the brake pads. Turning the rotors also helps you to brake more smoothly. This also creates less heat when braking which is all round good for your car.

What Happens When Rotors Are Turned?

During the process of having your rotors turned, the rotor will be machined or lathed. This is sort of a way of cleaning the rotor.

How Often Should I Have My Rotors Turned?

It is a good idea to have the rotors turned anytime you need a brake change. This way you can ensure that the rotors are free of debris. When debris piles up on the rotors it will cause warping. You will notice a grinding and squeaking sound when you brake. Although, eventually, you will need to have rotors replaced as well, having them rotated will lengthen the life span.

How Will I Know My Rotors Need to be Turned?

If you notice a nice smooth, noiseless braking when you brake, you probably do not need your rotors turned right now. Rotors in need of turning will make scraping, screeching or squealing noises.

When Should Rotors Be Replaced?

Eventually, rotors will also need to be replaced. If you are not a professional mechanic, you will want to have these types of evaluations done by a mechanic. When you have brake pads replaced, you should ask your mechanic about the condition of the rotors. You will want to know if they need to be replaced or simply turned. It is important not to put off brake maintenance. Not only can ignoring brake maintenance be damaging to your car, but it can also be dangerous as serious accidents can happen when brakes are not operating properly.

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