Tips for Identifying Slow Leaks in Tires
July 15, 2020 12:03 am Leave your thoughtsIt’s pretty easy to tell when your car has a flat tire, especially if it goes flat after hitting a pothole or driving over a nail. What’s often more difficult for drivers is identifying a slow leak in Athens County, OH. Since a slow leak allows a tiny amount of air to leave the tire at a time, it can go unnoticed for days or even weeks. Eventually, however, the tire will become flat. This post will teach you how to spot a slow leak.
Frequent flats
Today’s tires are built to last for tens of thousands of miles before wearing down and requiring replacement. Even if your daily commute has you driving down dirt or gravel roads, your tires should hold up without fail. If you frequently find yourself calling a tow truck to fix a flat tire, you’ve probably got a slow leak. If your tires aren’t too old, this slow leak could be caused by an issue with the rim or wheel, instead of with the tire itself.
Low pressure after extended periods
Another telltale sign of a slow leak in a tire in Athens County, OH is if your tire loses pressure or goes flat after sitting idle for an extended period. We recommend checking your tire pressure before you go out of town and then checking it again once you return. If there’s a large discrepancy in the pressure readings, bring your car to a mechanic.
Low pressure in just one tire
Assuming you get all of your tires replaced at the same time, and you have them rotated regularly, they should age at about the same rate. If one of the four tires seems to consistently have lower pressure, there’s a good chance you have a slow leak on your hands. Be sure to check your tire pressure frequently to spot a slow leak sooner rather than later.
Perform a water test
Perhaps the easiest means for identifying a slow leak in Athens County, OH is to perform the following simple test in your driveway. Once your car has been parked for at least 30 minutes, take your garden hose and spray down each of the tires. After the tires are wet, bend down and take a good look at them. If there are any slow leaks, you should spot air bubbles on the surface of the tire. Be sure to look closely around the valve, tire bead, tread and sidewall, as these are common places for slow leaks to develop.
How can a slow leak be fixed?
The way to remedy a slow leak depends on the leak’s location and its severity. A leak in the tire tread can be patched up by a mechanic, but if a bent rim caused that slow leak, you’ll need to replace both the tire and the wheel. Home patch kits are available for DIY-ers. However, they’re often not as reliable as bringing your car to a trusted mechanic to fix your slow leak.
Come to Dana’s Tire Center!
If you currently have a slow leak in a tire in Athens County, OH, bring your vehicle to Dana’s Tire Center. Whether your tire needs to be totally replaced or simply patched up, we’re the team for the job!
Categorised in: Tires
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