What Causes Changes in Tire Pressure?
March 9, 2019 1:06 am Leave your thoughtsHave you ever gotten into your vehicle to go to work and noticed that your “check tire pressure” light is illuminated on your dashboard? If so, you’re not alone. This is a common occurrence across the nation, particularly in the fall and spring when the temperatures fluctuate greatly in between the day and night. When the temperatures drop in the evening, so too does the pressure of the air inside of your tire. Not to worry, though—as you start driving, your tires in Athens County, OH will warm back up, the light will turn off and you’ll be fine regarding tire pressure.
However, just because your tires will eventually warm up and re-inflate doesn’t mean you should go without checking your tire pressure or ignore a “check tire pressure” light that doesn’t turn off within the first few minutes of driving. Keep reading to learn all there is to know about tire pressure.
Why is checking tire pressure important?
Though it only takes a few minutes, checking your tire pressure is one of the most important things you can do as a car owner. Below are just a few of the most important reasons to check it on a regular basis:
- Safety: It’s kind of scary to think about, but your tires are the only things keeping a two-ton metal box on the road and ensuring your safety while you’re inside your car. As tires lose pressure, the less grip they have, and the less grip your tires have on the road, the more trouble you’ll have coming to a stop and the more likely you are to be in an accident in bad weather. So, keep your tires inflated and decrease the chances that you hurt yourself or others!
- Longevity: If you’ve ever had to purchase a new set of tires, you know that they’re not cheap! However, you can keep your tires for longer by keeping them inflated. Each manufacturer develops their tires for a specific PSI level for optimal contact with the road. Under-inflation means your tires will roll too much on their sidewalls when turning, which means your sidewalls will weaken faster. Over-inflation, on the other hand, puts too much pressure on the tread, meaning your tires will start to bald prematurely. Save yourself money on new tires by keeping them at the proper inflation levels.
- Fuel economy: Speaking of saving money, you can save a bundle at the gas pump by checking your tire pressure and inflating them if they’re not at the proper level. Under-inflated tires don’t make proper contact with the pavement, which means your car will have to work harder to move down the road. The harder your engine works, the more gas it’ll use up, and the more often you’ll have to stop to refuel.
If your tire pressure is low, or if you think there’s any other type of issue with your tires, be sure to stop by Dana’s Tire Center. We’re your premier source for tires in Athens County, OH, as well as a variety of other vehicle maintenance and repair services.
Categorised in: Tires
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