Reasons Your Vehicle’s Suspension May Need to Be Repaired

February 14, 2019 6:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Many drivers take the suspension system in their vehicle for granted. After all, you probably won’t ever notice it until there’s something wrong with it. The unfortunate reality is that there’s no part of your vehicle that’s designed to last forever, so eventually the shocks on your vehicle can wear out, which can make suspension repair necessary. Suspension isn’t just about providing you with a smooth ride—it also affects the control you have over your vehicle, especially while you’re turning or stopping it. For this reason, it’s important, if you notice any issues popping up with your suspension, that you get them resolved as soon as possible.

Here are just a few examples of some of the most common suspension problems that can indicate you need to head to your local auto shop in Athens County, OH to get some repairs done:

  • Your car is starting to ride rough: The first sign indicating suspension problems for most people is that they begin to feel every single bump or crack in the road, or if the vehicle body starts to bounce when going over bumps. This is typically going to be a sign that you need some work performed on your suspension.
  • Uneven tire treads: Uneven tire treads can sometimes simply be a result of you not inflating the tires to the proper levels (either over- or under-inflating can cause uneven tread wear). But if you’re certain this isn’t the issue, you might consider checking the suspension. There’s a possibility your suspension system isn’t keeping the car even while you’re driving, which might result in some tires having more pressure put on them than others.
  • Turns being hard to negotiate: If your suspension system is starting to fail, there’s a chance you’ll feel the vehicle either pull or drift as you start to turn. This means the shocks will not be able to hold the body steady against the centrifugal forces that occur during a turn. So, if you start to feel as though you’re not fully in control of your vehicle while you’re negotiating turns, this means you need to take your car into the shop to get the suspension tested.
  • Shock damage: Take a look at the shocks or struts if you’re able to get underneath your vehicle. A greasy or oily appearance could be an indication that there’s a fluid leak happening in the suspension system, which means those parts aren’t going to work properly. Therefore, you should get those shocks replaced as soon as possible and make sure you have the fluid leak corrected so your vehicle’s suspension system can continue to operate properly.
  • Dips while stopping: When the shocks get worn out, you might start to feel the body of the vehicle pushing forward and downward, dipping at the nose. This can result in you being unable to quickly bring the car to a stop.

For more signs that you need suspension repair, contact Dana’s Tire Center or visit our auto shop in Athens County, OH.

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