The Most Common Summer Car Problems

May 9, 2018 10:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Summer is just around the corner. Are you and your vehicle prepared for the heat? While there are some car problems that can happen at any time of the year, there are some that are especially likely or problematic as the weather gets warm, so it’s important to be prepared for the possibility of these problems and to understand how you can avoid or resolve them.

Here are some tips from our auto shop in Athens County, OH about avoiding those summer car problems:

  • Broken air conditioning: As the weather gets hot, you’re going to want the relief your air conditioning provides you. The temperature inside your vehicle can quickly get to unsafe levels on hot days. Your air conditioning works harder as the temperature gets hotter, so you should make sure your fluid levels are where they’re supposed to be and that your battery and electrical components are all working properly. If you have any difficulties with your AC, schedule vehicle service and have an expert check your refrigeration fluid. Driving your vehicle at cooler times of the day (mornings and evenings) when possible can also help lessen the strain on your AC.
  • Low battery power: The heat will also make your battery work harder to give you the power you need, which can reduce its efficiency and, ultimately, its lifespan. All of the plastic pieces on your battery cover should be in good shape, as they are designed to keep your battery cool. If you have difficulties with your battery, you should have these checked out as soon as you can.
  • Worn wiper blades: You’re going to get a lot of use out of your wiper blades over the spring and summer as you drive through rain and thunderstorms. If you have worn wipers, you’ll find it difficult to remove all the water from your windshield without streaking. All of the edges of your blade should be intact and straight, without any nicks or warps—a presence of those imperfections could result in debris getting underneath the blade and streaking or scratching your windshield. You can pick up replacement blades at retail stores or auto part stores.
  • Tire issues: During the summer months, you’ll experience much greater temperature fluctuations because of the hot daytime and cool nighttime temperatures. This can mess with the pressure in your tires and cause you to have issues with under- or over-inflation. Underinflated tires are more likely to wear down quickly and blow out. Your vehicle might alert you when you have pressure issues, but it’s a good idea to just pay attention to the state of your tires as well.
  • Bad smells: Hotter temperatures create a better environment for bacteria and mildew to grow and thrive. Therefore, remove any dampness and damp items as quickly as possible from your vehicle, and air dry the inside of your vehicle (leaving windows and doors open) if it does get wet.

For more tips about how to avoid or deal with common summertime vehicle problems, contact our auto shop in Athens County, OH.

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