Making Sure Your Brakes Are Ready for Winter with Brake Service in Athens County, OH

November 10, 2017 6:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

With winter right around the corner, it is important to make sure that your car is as ready for the typical inclement winter weather as possible. You need to be able to rely on your brakes to keep you and your passengers safe year-round, but that need is certainly heightened during the winter, as the condition of your brakes can mean the difference between traveling safely or ending up in an unfortunate situation. Here is a closer look at a few of the reasons why taking care of brake service in Athens County, OH before the winter begins is so important.

Preparing for the winter

Along with plummeting temperatures, the cold weather of winter brings along ice and snow, which can make it extremely difficult for all drivers on the road. A good, reliable brake system can help prevent accidents while driving in these conditions, which is why it is so important to make sure that the brakes on your car are ready for the season.

When ice, both seen and unseen, covers patches of the road, it can be difficult to stop your car properly. This means that drivers typically have to start braking earlier than normal in order to keep a safe distance between themselves and the cars around them, and the extra friction that is caused by this cautious braking can result in additional wear on your brakes. If your brakes were already pretty worn heading into the winter season, you could be in trouble by the time the first snowstorm hits. Going to have your entire brake system checked out in advance of winter assures that your brakes will be ready when you need to be able to rely on them the most.

What is looked at during brake service?

In order to determine how much life is left in brakes, mechanics will check the thickness of the rotor, in addition to making sure it is free of cracks, grooves, rust and warping.

Before you take your car in to the auto repair shop, you can measure the thickness of your brake pads at home. As a general rule, if your pads are at least as thick as two stacked pennies, about 1/8”, then they are okay. If the pads are thinner than that, you will want to have a trusted mechanic replace them.

With the inclement winter weather and difficult driving conditions ready to complicate your commute at any moment, there is no time to waste. Here at Dana’s Tire Center, we are ready to provide your car with comprehensive brake service in Athens County, OH so that you can remain as safe as possible in all of your travels this season. We have been providing high-level auto service in the area since 1983, and we know what it takes to keep our customers happy and safe. Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment so we can help make sure your car is ready for the winter. We look forward to serving you soon!

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