Four Signs That You Need Brake Repair in Athens County, OH

September 15, 2017 1:05 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you were to make a list of the essential components of your car, your vehicle’s brakes would definitely be high up there. Without properly working brakes, your car is basically just a speeding pile of metal and rubber that’s bound to destroy everything in its path. Thankfully, there are some signs that your brakes are about to give out before they actually do. Keep reading to learn when it’s time to bring your car into our shop for brake repair in Athens County, OH:

  • Weird noises: If yours is the car that squeals every time you slow down at a red light, you have an issue! It doesn’t take an expert to know that your brakes shouldn’t make loud screeching noises when you apply pressure to the pedal. A screeching noise is a sign that the brake pad is wearing down and needs to be replaced. Meanwhile, if you hear a grinding sound while driving, that’s a sign that some part of your brake pad is totally gone and needs to be replaced immediately. Driving with a failing brake pad will eventually destroy your wheel and necessitate expensive repairs.
  • Vibrations: When you go to slow down, do you feel a vibration in the pedal? Hopefully not! Rapid vibration upon applying pressure to the brake pedal is a sign that your brakes are failing and need to be repaired or replaced by a professional. Bring it to our shop as soon as you can and let us figure out what the issue could be.
  • Unresponsive pedal: Every car’s brakes are different. Some brakes will slow the car down as soon as the pedal is tapped, while some require a bit more force before they start to work. However, you shouldn’t have to slam your foot onto the floor to slow down in a routine driving situation. If this is the case, you have some sort of issue with your brake fluid, brake line or brake pads. Bring your vehicle to a specialist to determine what the issue is and identify a way to fix it.
  • You haven’t had them checked: Your vehicle is just like your body—it’s a good idea to have a checkup every once in a while to ensure everything is functioning as it should be! Even if you haven’t noticed weird sounds or anything unusual, it can’t hurt to bring your car to a mechanic for a brake inspection. A professional can take a quick look at your vehicle and tell you whether or not you should have your brakes repaired or if there’s anything else wrong with your car.

If you’ve noticed any of the above signs, it’s time to pay Dana’s Tire Center a visit! One of our certified mechanics can inspect your brakes and repair and replace anything that appears to be broken or on its way out. In addition to offering brake repair in Athens County, OH, we can perform a variety of other services at some of the lowest rates in the area. Give us a call to learn more!

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